There are several ways you can order your repeat prescription:
- Online – Use our online service to make your request
- In person – Tick the items you need on the right-hand section of your previous prescription form and leave your prescription request at Reception
- By email – send your request to
- By post – Tick the items you need on the right-hand section of your previous prescription form and send your prescription request to us. If you prefer, we can post it back to you (you will need to provide a stamped, addressed envelope), or can send it to a local pharmacy for you to collect it from there.
Requests for prescriptions cannot be taken over the telephone.
Repeat prescriptions take 72 hours for the surgery to process, sign and send to your Pharmacy.
Your Pharmacy will then require on average 3-5 working days in addition to this to dispense the prescription and have it ready for collection. Each Pharmacy’s processing time varies so please check with the chemist you use, how long they need to dispense prescriptions.
Please do not request your prescription too early, apart from when the Surgery is closed on a Bank Holiday or the Christmas period, as the computer will not allow the request to be processed.
We are keen to ensure that patients with ongoing medical problems are monitored regularly. If the date for your next review with a Doctor or Nurse has passed you will be asked to make an appointment.